25.08.2016, 07:14
This is my code SendClientMessage:
And when players ask too much, some text will be lost. But this system below can fix it, but I don't know how to do like this.
format(advert, sizeof(advert), "Quang cao: %s - Lien he: %s (%d)", advert, GetPlayerNameEx(reportid), PlayerInfo[reportid][pPnumber]); if(GetPVarInt(playerid, "AdvertVoucher") != 1) { GivePlayerCash(reportid, -150000); } iAdverTimer = gettime()+30; foreach(new i: Player) { if(!gNews[i] && InsideMainMenu{i} != 1 && InsideTut{i} != 1 && ActiveChatbox[i] != 0) SendClientMessage(i, TEAM_GROVE_COLOR, advert); }