14.08.2016, 10:09
I have 2 issues, First my compiler won't fully compile the AMX to the full size, When my mate compiles the script it has a size of 3.5mb but when I compile the script it has a size of 456,000kb.
The script issue is that the dialog won't show.
It compiles with no errors or warnings just doesn't show dialog.
The script issue is that the dialog won't show.
//Dialog part to show my dialog that ain't showing case 2: { CallRemoteFunction("PrintCorpInv", "i", playerid); } //function to show dialog forward PrintCorpInv(playerid); public PrintCorpInv(playerid) { new result[2048]; FixInv(playerid); new found, foundid; for(new o = 0; o < sizeof(CorpInfo); o++) { if(CorpInfo[o][cUsed] == 1 && found == 0) { if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, CorpInfo[foundid][cX], CorpInfo[foundid][cY], CorpInfo[foundid][cZ])) { found++; foundid = o; } } } for(new i = 0; i < MAX_INV_SLOTS; i++) { switch(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]) { case 0: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n{5F5F5F}%d: EMPTY SLOT", result, i + 1); } case 22 .. 38: { if(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i] == 0) { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {FF3333}(EMPTY)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i])); } else { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d){FFFFFF}:{33FF66}[%s]", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i], PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvEx][i])); } } case 100 .. 199: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]); } case FISHING_LOWEST_ID .. FISHING_HIGHEST_ID: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%dlbs)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvEx][i]); } case 500 .. 549: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]); } case 1000 .. 1001: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]); } case 1008: { if(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i] > 0) { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s [%s{FFFFFF}]{33FF66} (%dL)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), FuelName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvEx][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]); } else format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s [{BF0127}Empty{FFFFFF}]", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i])); } case 1050 .. 1100: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s {33FF66}(%d)", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i]), CorpInfo[foundid][cInvQ][i]); } default: { format(result, sizeof(result), "%s\n%d: {FFFFFF}%s", result, i + 1, PrintIName(CorpInfo[foundid][cInvItem][i])); } } } ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 808, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Corpse Inventory", result, "Select", "Close"); return true; }