model id name

CMD:closest(playerid, params[])
			new string[256],lan1,lan2;
			new id = 0;
			lan1 = PlayerInfo[playerid][plan1];
			lan2 = PlayerInfo[playerid][plan2];
			for(new i= lan1; i <=lan2; i++)
				if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 30, FurnitureInfo[i][fX], FurnitureInfo[i][fY], FurnitureInfo[i][fZ]) && FurnitureInfo[i][fLiftup] == false)
					new Smg[128];
					format(Smg, sizeof(Smg), "[Slot: %d][Model: %d]\n", FurnitureInfo[i][fID], FurnitureInfo[i][fModel]);
					strcat(string, Smg);
	            	ShowPlayerRangeFurniture[playerid][id] = FurnitureInfo[i][fID];
	          		id ++;
			ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, Dialog_GetRangeFurniture1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "[Land Objects]", string, "Select","Next");
			return 1;
[Model: %d]\n", FurnitureInfo[i][fID] in this line model id is coming how to set the name of this model id

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