Are traffic lights synced?

I've used the Search function on the forum and was only able to find information about traffic lights and sync dating back to 2009 and at the latest, May 2010.

My question is, are traffic lights synced in SA-MP? I thought I heard somewhere that they are but that they become non-synced over time. I'm only asking because the leader of a police department on a server I play on has a law where not stopping at a red light carries a fine, and it wouldn't be good if I went through a light I saw as green but that a cop saw as red.

Yes, they're synced since 0.3a. I even tested it with one of my head admins 'cause we were that bored. I never notcied any "De-sync" of them.

Okay, thank you.

As far as Ive read they are synced via TickCount same as waves on the ocean. Dont know more.

I think I recall reading somewhere that they're synced, unless you use SetPlayerTime.

Originally Posted by Calgon
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I think I recall reading somewhere that they're synced, unless you use SetPlayerTime.
I heard something like that too but I think TogglePlayerClock was the cause of the desync.

This is helpful for cops on RP servers. Especially me, as I am Chief of Police on Hostile Core. Good to know they are synced.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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This is helpful for cops on RP servers. Especially me, as I am Chief of Police on Hostile Core. Good to know they are synced.
I didn't knew that they are synced.. But now I am

Still, I haven't see that much of RP servers that create a traffic lights law- And I believe many of SA:MP Players don't know that traffic lights are sync'ed.

We don't have a traffic light law either, but we're cops.

Ohhhh, I was trying to find a real working traffic light system, so the ones thats in sa-mp works, go to know.
But I have a question if we create our own traffic light using a map/object editor do they work to?

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