10.04.2016, 07:07
Last edited by Sreyas; 19/09/2016 at 03:00 PM.
Advanced DM System V 2.0 [ZCMD]
Hello mates! Today im going to release the 2nd version of my Filterscript Simple DM System.The new version is Advanced DM system.Now the system have 10 dm zones in total
New features v 2.0
/de - Deagle DM
/sos - Sawnoff DM
/rw - Running Weapons Dm
/snipedm - Sniper DM
/sos2 - Sawnoff DM 2
/snipedm2 - Sniper DM 2
/shipdm - Ship DM
/wz - Warzone
/shotdm - Shot Gun DM
/mini - Minigun DM
/histound - turn hitsound [on/off]
/headshot - turn headshot system [on/off] for rcon admins (Deagle and Sniper only supports)
/dm - shows list of dm
Use '#' inside a dm zone to chat with players in DM
How to Allow Specified CMDS in DM
I used Zcmd callback to block the cmds in dm zone But if you want some cmds to be allowed in the Zone you can add those commands in following lines
Special Thanks to Oma_ and Mbah to help me in testing this script
Hello mates! Today im going to release the 2nd version of my Filterscript Simple DM System.The new version is Advanced DM system.Now the system have 10 dm zones in total

New features v 2.0
- Added 6 more DM zones (now total 10 zones)
- Added Dilaog with player list
- Added Headshot system can be switched by rcon admins
- Added Hitsound Feature can be switched by Players
- Added Textdraws for Showing Current Mode
- Optmised the code much
- Making Dms are now is Hell Easy
- Added Feature for Blocking CMDS in DM
- Added Musics for each dm
- Added DM chat.Now players in DM can chat prefixing '#'
- Added Killstreak System
- and more features
- Fixed all Bugs in previous version
- Simple system
- 4 dm zones
- command dialogs
- Random spawns
/de - Deagle DM
/sos - Sawnoff DM
/rw - Running Weapons Dm
/snipedm - Sniper DM
/sos2 - Sawnoff DM 2
/snipedm2 - Sniper DM 2
/shipdm - Ship DM
/wz - Warzone
/shotdm - Shot Gun DM
/mini - Minigun DM
/histound - turn hitsound [on/off]
/headshot - turn headshot system [on/off] for rcon admins (Deagle and Sniper only supports)
/dm - shows list of dm
Use '#' inside a dm zone to chat with players in DM
How to Allow Specified CMDS in DM
I used Zcmd callback to block the cmds in dm zone But if you want some cmds to be allowed in the Zone you can add those commands in following lines
PHP Code:
public OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[])
if(Info[playerid][indm] == 1 )
//ADD "ALLOWED" CMDS BELOW!!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/leave")) return 1
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/dm")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/de")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/sos")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/rw")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/sos2")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/snipedm")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/shotdm")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/sniepdm2")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/mini")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/shipdm")) return 1;
else if(!strfind(cmdtext, "/wz")) return 1;
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, "~w~You are not in Freeroam ~r~/leave ~w~to Exit", 5000, 5);
return 0;
return 1;