Script, why work only id 0?

if ( ( newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && !( oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && ( Bit_Get( player_bench, playerid ) == false ) && ( !IsPlayerAttachedObjectSlotUsed( playerid, BENCH_PRESS_INDEX ) ) )
	    for( new o; o != sizeof bench_pos; o ++ )
	        if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint( playerid, 2.0, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] ) )
	            if( Bit_Get( bench_used, o ) == true )
	                return CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerStartBenchPress", "ii", playerid, 0 );

	            CallRemoteFunction( "OnPlayerStartBenchPress", "ii", playerid, 1 );

	            SetPlayerPos( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] );
	            SetPlayerFacingAngle( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 3 ] );
	            ApplyAnimation( playerid, "benchpress", "gym_bp_geton", 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 );

				Bit_Set( player_bench, playerid, true );
				Bit_Set( bench_used, o, true );

				SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_current_bench", o );
				SetPlayerCameraPos( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ] - 1.5, bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ] + 1.5, bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] + 0.5 );
				SetPlayerCameraLookAt( playerid, bench_pos[ o ][ 0 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 1 ], bench_pos[ o ][ 2 ] );

                TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_power[ playerid ] );
                TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_reps[ playerid ] );
				TextDrawShowForPlayer( playerid, bench_repslabel[ playerid ] );

				SetTimerEx( "attachBarBellToPlayer", 3800, 0, "ii", playerid, getClosestBarBell( playerid ) );
				SetPVarInt( playerid, "player_bench_timer", SetTimerEx( "updateBenchBar", 500, 1, "i", playerid ) );
Help me please! THANKS

Where did you put this?

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)

Only work id 0...

Any idea?

Help me PLS

try to put before each IF or any decision instruction a message like SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"BUG 1"); to the next one "BUG 2" etc. And take a look at the ids 1,2,3,4, what kind a bug they receive. I do the same trick in my scripts.. and it works always.

Originally Posted by AdrianG
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try to put before each IF or any decision instruction a message like SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"BUG 1"); to the next one "BUG 2" etc. And take a look at the ids 1,2,3,4, what kind a bug they receive. I do the same trick in my scripts.. and it works always.
don't work...

This script: https://code.******.com/archive/p/cy...stem/downloads

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