Always check

Hello , how can i make a loop which checks every 10 mins if a player has vip .
I'm trying to create a temporary vip system and i don't know how to make the server check if the vip time is up

Use a global timer + for(new...), then into the timer stock, insert your 'check' functions.

I'd recommend saving the actual tick (GetTickCount()) of the moment when the player got VIP, then you know exactly when the time is up. A timer will produce slight offsets with each call, since they are never precise.

Saving the tick for said moment:

PlayerGotVIPTick[playerid] = GetTickCount();
Inside the timer function:

new curTick = GetTickCount();

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(i) || IsPlayerNPC(i)) continue; // Skips non-connected players & NPCs

    if(curTick - PlayerGotVIPTick[i] > 600000) // 10 mins passed, but you have to check if that player actually has VIP!
        // ...
You might want to replace the 600000 ms by a value that represents the duration of VIP.

Originally Posted by Harty
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Use a global timer + for(new...), then into the timer stock, insert your 'check' functions.
Btw a timer cannot be local nor a stock, it can only call a public function.

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