02.03.2016, 11:08
hey guy's i have a little problem with this sorry i'am beginner at script
This Error in the line 70 and 94
Line 70
Line 94
PHP код:
error 017: undefined symbol "CreateExplosionForPlayer"
Line 70
public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid, killerid) { if (GetVehicleModel(vehicleid) == 519) { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (GetPlayerShamalID(i) == vehicleid) { SetPlayerHealth(i, 0.0); CreateExplosionForPlayer(i, S_EXPLODE_X, S_EXPLODE_Y, S_EXPLODE_Z, 2, S_EXPLODE_RANGE); } } sExplode[vehicleid] = SetTimerEx("ExplodeShamal", 700, 0, "d", vehicleid); tCount[vehicleid] = true; } return 1; }
public ExplodeShamal(vehicleid) { KillTimer(sExplode[vehicleid]); if (tCount[vehicleid]) { for (new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (GetPlayerShamalID(i) == vehicleid) { CreateExplosionForPlayer(i, S_EXPLODE_X, S_EXPLODE_Y, S_EXPLODE_Z, 2, S_EXPLODE_RANGE); } } sExplode[vehicleid] = SetTimerEx("ExplodeShamal", random(1300) + 100, 0, "d", vehicleid); } }