display error

				   case 0: format(info2string, sizeof(info2string), "~g~~h~Falls der Ban nicht gerechtfertig ist, oder du es klar stellen mцchtest, bitte ich~n~~g~~h~Dich mit F8 ein Bild zu machennd es umgehend auf www.bfsamp.ga zu posten!~n~~g~~h~MfG die Admins");
				   case 1: format(info2string, sizeof(info2string), "~g~~h~If the ban is not correct, or for clarification take a screenshot (using F8)~n~~g~~h~and report it immediately at www.bfsamp.ga!~n~~g~~h~Regards, the Admins "); //
				   case 2: format(info2string, sizeof(info2string), "~g~~h~Si el ban es un erros, o para aclaraciуn, toma una captura de pantalla con F8~n~~g~~h~y reportalo inmediatamente en www.bfsamp.ga!~n~~g~~h~Saludos, los Admins "); //~n~~g~~h~
                TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Info2[playerid]);
Actually as the code explains im formatting strings to set in textdraw, but in case 2, the string is not displayed fully, its is displayed till "if the ban is not....www.bfsamp.ga" Regards the admins is not displayed.. Same as in case 2

PS: Case 1: German language the string is fully formatted and textdraw shows up.

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