18.01.2016, 17:31
Hola tengo un problema con una configuraciуn de un pcu, la funciуn del mismo se hacer que el jugador se desconecte del juego pero cuando uno hace click salen estos errores
Voy a dejar el cуdigo, aclaro "Ya se que hay que cambiar por cosas entre ello poner el port, etc.
Esto lo hice pero no me dio resultados me salieron otros errores, capaz viendo el cуdigo uno de ustedes pueda solucionarlo.
Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Host desconocido. in C:\xampp\htdocs\control\SampRcon.class.php on line 421 Warning: fsockopen(): unable to connect to null127.0.0.1:7777 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Host desconocido. ) in C:\xampp\htdocs\control\SampRcon.class.php on line 421 Warning: socket_set_timeout() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\control\SampRcon.class.php on line 422 Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\control\SampRcon.class.php on line 424 Warning: fread() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\xampp\htdocs\control\SampRcon.class.php on line 426
Voy a dejar el cуdigo, aclaro "Ya se que hay que cambiar por cosas entre ello poner el port, etc.
Esto lo hice pero no me dio resultados me salieron otros errores, capaz viendo el cуdigo uno de ustedes pueda solucionarlo.
PHP код:
* @author Edward McKnight (EM-Creations.co.uk)
/* *****************************************************************
// SampRcon.class.php
// Version 1.1
// This class connects to a specific SA-MP server via sockets.
// Copyright 2014 Edward McKnight (EM-Creations.co.uk)
// Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
// http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-n...8.55909627
// Credits to Westie for the original PHP SA-MP API and inspiration for this API.
* *****************************************************************/
class SampRcon {
private $sock = null;
private $server = null;
private $port = null;
private $password = null;
* Creates a new SampRcon object.
* @param $server hostname of the server
* @param $port port of the server
* @param $password rcon password for the server
public function __construct($server, $port, $password) {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Constructor">
$this->server = $server;
$this->port = $port;
$this->password = $password;
// </editor-fold>
* Returns an array of rcon commands.
* @return Array
* (
* Array[0] => "echo"
* ...
* )
* ...
* @see getServerVariables()
public function getCommandList() {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Get Command List">
$commands = $this->rconSend('cmdlist');
foreach($commands as &$command) {
$command = trim($command);
return $commands;
// </editor-fold>
* Returns an array of server variables.
* @return Array[]
* (
* ['variableName'] = variableValue
* ...
* )
* @see getCommandList
public function getServerVariables() {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Get Server Variables">
$aVariables = $this->rconSend('varlist');
$aReturn = array();
foreach($aVariables as $sString) {
preg_match('/(.*)=[\s]+(.*)/', $sString, $aMatches);
if($aMatches[2][0] == '"') {
preg_match('/\"(.*)\"[\s]+\(/', $aMatches[2], $aTemp);
$aReturn[trim($aMatches[1])] = $aTemp[1];
} else {
preg_match('/(.*?)\s+\(/', $aMatches[2], $aTemp);
$aReturn[trim($aMatches[1])] = $aTemp[1];
return $aReturn;
// </editor-fold>
* Sets the server's current weather, if no weather ID is given 1 is used.
* @param $weatherID weather ID
public function setWeather($weatherID=1) {
$this->rconSend("weather ".$weatherID, false);
* Sets the server's current gravity, of mp gravity is given 0.008 is used.
* @param $gravity gravity double / float
public function setGravity($gravity=0.008) {
$this->rconSend("gravity ".$gravity, false);
* Ban a player from the server.
* @param $playerID player's ID
* @return Output from ban
public function ban($playerID) {
return $this->rconSend("ban ".$playerID);
* Kick a player from the server.
* @param $playerID player's ID
* @return Output from kick
public function kick($playerID) {
return $this->rconSend("kick ".$playerID);
* Ban an IP address from the server.
* @param $address IP address
* @return Output from ban
public function banAddress($address) {
return $this->rconSend("banip ".$address);
* Unban an IP address from the server.
* @param $address IP address
* @return Output from unban
public function unbanAddress($address) {
return $this->rconSend("unbanip ".$address);
* Reload the server's log file.
public function reloadLog() {
return $this->rconSend("reloadlog");
* Reload the server's bans file.
public function reloadBans() {
return $this->rconSend("reloadbans");
* Send an admin message to players on the server.
* @param $message message to send to players
public function say($message) {
$this->rconSend("say ".$message, false);
* Change the server's current gamemode.
* @param $gameMode game mode to change to
public function changeGameMode($gameMode) {
$this->rconSend("changemode ".$gameMode, false);
* Set the server's current displayed game mode text.
* @param $gameModeText game mode text to change to
public function setGameModeText($gameModeText) {
$this->rconSend("gamemodetext ".$gameModeText, false);
* Run the server's next gamemode (gmx).
public function nextGameMode() {
$this->rconSend("gmx", false);
* Run the server's next gamemode (gmx).
public function gmx() {
* Execute config file.
* @param $config config file to execute
* @return Output from exec
public function execConfig($config) {
return $this->rconSend("exec ".$config);
* Load a filterscript.
* @param $fs filterscript to load
* @return Output from filterscript load
public function loadFilterscript($fs) {
return $this->rconSend("loadfs ".$fs);
* Unload a filterscript.
* @param $fs filterscript to unload
* @return Output from filterscript unload
public function unloadFilterscript($fs) {
return $this->rconSend("unloadfs ".$fs);
* Reload a filterscript.
* @param $fs filterscript to reload
* @return Output from filterscript reload
public function reloadFilterscript($fs) {
return $this->rconSend("reloadfs ".$fs);
* Shutdown the server.
public function exitGame() {
$this->rconSend("exit", false);
* Sets the server's host name.
* @param $hostName the host name to set the server to
public function setHostName($hostName) {
$this->rconSend("hostname ".$hostName, false);
* Sets the server's map name.
* @param $mapName the map name to set the server to
public function setMapname($mapName) {
$this->rconSend("mapname ".$mapName, false);
* Sets the server's time.
* Note: This will not change the weather relative to the time.
* @param $time the time to set the server to
public function setTime($time) {
$this->rconSend("worldtime ".$time, false);
* Sets the server's web url.
* @param $url the url to set the server to
public function setURL($url) {
$this->rconSend("weburl ".$url, false);
* Sets the server's password.
* @param $password the password to set the server to
public function setPassword($password) {
$this->rconSend("password ".$password, false);
* Remove the server's password.
public function removePassword() {
$this->rconSend("password 0", false);
* Sets the server's rcon password.
* @param $password the password the rcon password should be set to
public function setRconPassword($password) {
$this->rconSend("rcon_password ".$password, false);
* Disables remote rcon to the server.
public function disableRcon() {
$this->rconSend("rcon 0", false);
* Enables remote queries to the server.
public function enableQuery() {
$this->rconSend("query 1", false);
* Disables remote queries to the server.
public function disableQuery() {
$this->rconSend("query 0", false);
* Enables the server's announce.
public function enableAnnounce() {
$this->rconSend("announce 1", false);
* Disables the server's announce.
public function disableAnnounce() {
$this->rconSend("announce 0", false);
* Sets the server's max number of NPCs.
* @param $maxNPCs the maximum numbers of NPCs
public function setMaxNPCs($maxNPCs) {
$this->rconSend("maxnpc ".$maxNPCs, false);
* Execute an rcon command.
* @param $command command to execute
* @param $delay delay time, if you don't expect any data back set this to false
* @return Output from command
public function call($command, $delay=1.0) {
return $this->rconSend($command, $delay);
* Send an rcon command
* @param String $command
* @param double $delay
* @return String
private function rconSend($command, $delay=1.0) {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Rcon Send">
fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket($command));
if ($delay === false) {
$result = array();
$iMicrotime = microtime(true) + $delay;
while (microtime(true) < $iMicrotime) {
$temp = substr(fread($this->sock, 128), 13);
if (strlen($temp)) {
$result[] = $temp;
} else {
return $result;
// </editor-fold>
* Assembles a packet, ready for sending
* @param String $command
* @return String
private function assemblePacket($command) {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Assemble Packet">
$sPacket = "SAMP";
$sPacket .= chr(strtok($this->server, "."));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok("."));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok("."));
$sPacket .= chr(strtok("."));
$sPacket .= chr($this->port & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr($this->port >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= "x";
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($this->password) & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($this->password) >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= $this->password;
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($command) & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= chr(strlen($command) >> 8 & 0xFF);
$sPacket .= $command;
return $sPacket;
// </editor-fold>
* Attempts to connect to the server and returns whether it was successful.
* @return boolean
public function connect() {
// <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Connect">
$connected = false;
$packet = "SAMP";
$packet .= chr(strtok($this->server, "."));
$packet .= chr(strtok("."));
$packet .= chr(strtok("."));
$packet .= chr(strtok("."));
$packet .= chr($this->port & 0xFF);
$packet .= chr($this->port >> 8 & 0xFF);
$packet .= "p0101";
$this->sock = fsockopen("null".$this->server, $this->port, $errorNum, $errorString, 2);
socket_set_timeout($this->sock, 2);
fwrite($this->sock, $packet);
if(fread($this->sock, 10)) {
if(fread($this->sock, 5) == 'p0101') {
$connected = true;
return $connected;
// </editor-fold>
* Closes the connection
public function close() {