Hey guys

As being a videoeditor/filmeditor can anyone tell me how can i hide textdraws etc, F7 doesnot hide everything so please can anyone help.

F7 in hide only chat box, Use a script( cmd ) to hide textdraws' Like I use.

Destroytextdraw blah blah

Yea, ask the scripters on the server to make a /hideall command so you don't have the textdraws displayed.

okay bro i will reuest scripters

Also when you do, you can get them to stop your chat showing by spamming 10-20 lines of empty lines to clear the chatbox, then have a variable to stop you, from receiving chat messages at all.

That is, if they are all good with you simply recording and not seeing chat whilst doing so.

Could even have that as /chatbox on/off. Although, any messages prior, it won't show, but the ones after /chatbox on, will.

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