AddStaticVehicle & CreateVehicle

Good afternoon, elite sa-mp.
2 days ago I wondered, how to add trains in samp, so, in wiki I find topic where written "Only create trains with AddStaticVehicle/Ex", why is this and why i can't use CreateVehicle to add trains?
And how many diffrens between CreateVehicle and AddStaticVehicle?

Sorry for my bad English)

Here is everything you need

I think the difference is mostly internal and it probably has something to do with improving load times. AddStaticVehicle may use opcode 014B internally, while CreateVehicle may use opcode 00A5.

Thank for asks, but a can add vehicles buy handmade command /veh and if i use AddStaticVehicle vehicle appear in game contrary this topic
Not only in OnGameModeInit but in any part of code

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