Vehicle Insert ID and loading in mysql

I have a problem, so, when someone buys a vehicle, it should insert the ID without enabling Ai in mysql, and set the PlayerInfo variable to the same id, but it doesn't work, all IDs are 0, and idk why...

Buying vehicle:

pawn Code:
                for(new i; i < sizeof(VInfo); i++)
                    new query[1204], str[128];
                    if(PI[playerid][Auto] != -1) return SCM(playerid, TOMATO, "[RPF] {FFFFFF}Vec imate auto.");

                    new poz = random(sizeof(PozicijeAutomobila));
                    VInfo[i][Model] = AutoBiraModel[playerid];
                    VInfo[i][PozX] = PozicijeAutomobila[poz][0];
                    VInfo[i][PozY] = PozicijeAutomobila[poz][1];
                    VInfo[i][PozZ] = PozicijeAutomobila[poz][2];
                    VInfo[i][PozA] = PozicijeAutomobila[poz][3];
                    VInfo[i][VW] = 0;
                    VInfo[i][Int] = 0;
                    VInfo[i][Boja1] = 0;
                    VInfo[i][Boja2] = 0;
                    strmid(VInfo[i][Vlasnik], ImeIgraca(playerid), 0, strlen(ImeIgraca(playerid)), 255);
                    VInfo[i][Cena] = AutomobilCena[playerid];
                    VInfo[i][Zakljucan] = 0;
                    VInfo[i][Droga] = 0;
                    VInfo[i][Mats] = 0;
                    VInfo[i][Oruzje1] = -1;
                    VInfo[i][Oruzje2] = -1;
                    VInfo[i][Oruzje3] = -1;
                    VInfo[i][Municija1] = -1;
                    VInfo[i][Municija2] = -1;
                    VInfo[i][Municija3] = -1;

                    AutoBiraModel[playerid] = 0;
                    AutomobilCena[playerid] = -1;

                    PI[playerid][Auto] = i;

                    format(str, sizeof(str), ""COL_YELLOW"[SERVER]: "COL_WHITE"Cestitamo, kupili ste vozilo "COL_YELLOW"%s "COL_WHITE"po ceni od "COL_YELLOW"$%d.", ImenaVozila[VInfo[i][Model] - 400], VInfo[i][Cena]);
                    SCM(playerid, WHITE, str);
                    SCM(playerid, WHITE, ""COL_YELLOW"[SERVER]: "COL_WHITE"Dostupne komande vaseg auta mozete videti na "COL_YELLOW"/v.");

                    VInfo[i][ownedvehicle] = CreateVehicle_H(VInfo[i][Model], VInfo[i][PozX], VInfo[i][PozY], VInfo[i][PozZ], VInfo[i][PozA], VInfo[i][Boja1], VInfo[i][Boja2], 300000);
                    SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, VInfo[i][PozX], VInfo[i][PozY], VInfo[i][PozZ], 10.0);

                    format(query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `Igraci` SET `Auto` = '%d' WHERE `Ime` = '%s'", PI[playerid][Auto], ImeIgraca(playerid));
                    mysql_function_query(konekt, query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", THREAD_OSTALO, playerid);

                    format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO `Automobili` (`ID`, `Model`, `PozX`, `PozY`, `PozZ`, `PozA`, `VW`, `Int`, `Zakljucan`, `Boja1`, `Boja2`, \
                    `Vlasnik`, `Cena`, `ImaVlasnika`, `Droga`, `Oruzje1`, `Oruzje2`, `Oruzje3`, `Municija1`, `Municija2`, `Municija3`) VALUES"

                    format(query, sizeof(query), "%s ('%d', '%d', '%f', '%f', '%f', '%f', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '%s', '%d', '1', '0', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1', '-1')",
                    query, i, VInfo[i][Model], VInfo[i][PozX], VInfo[i][PozY], VInfo[i][PozZ], VInfo[i][PozA], VInfo[i][Vlasnik], VInfo[i][Cena]);
                    mysql_function_query(konekt, query, true, "OnQueryFinish", "i", THREAD_OSTALO);
pawn Code:
stock CreateVehicle_H(vehicletype, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rotation, color1, color2, respawn_delay)
    new o;
    o = CreateVehicle(vehicletype, x, y, z, rotation, color1, color2, respawn_delay);
    SetVehicleHealth_H(o, 999.0);
    return o;

pawn Code:
stock UcitajAutomobile()
    new szQuery[2048];
    new id = cache_get_row_count() + 1;
    for(new i; i < id; i++)
        format(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "SELECT * FROM `Automobili` WHERE `ID` = '%d'", i);
        mysql_function_query(konekt, szQuery, true, "OnQueryFinish", "ii", THREAD_UCITAJAUTA, i);
        print("Loading 1: Passed");
    return 1;

pawn Code:
                new temp[130];
                for(new i = 0; i < szRows; i++)
                    cache_get_field_content(0, "Vlasnik", temp);
                    format(VInfo[extraid][Vlasnik], 50, "%s", temp);

                    VInfo[extraid][PozX] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PozX");
                    VInfo[extraid][PozY] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PozY");
                    VInfo[extraid][PozZ] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PozZ");
                    VInfo[extraid][PozA] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "PozA");
                    VInfo[extraid][Model] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Model");
                    VInfo[extraid][VW] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "VW");
                    VInfo[extraid][Int] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Int");
                    VInfo[extraid][Zakljucan] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Zakljucan");
                    VInfo[extraid][Boja1] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Boja1");
                    VInfo[extraid][Boja2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Boja2");
                    VInfo[extraid][ImaVlasnika] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "ImaVlasnika");
                    VInfo[extraid][Droga] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Droga");
                    VInfo[extraid][Mats] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Mats");
                    VInfo[extraid][Oruzje1] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Oruzje1");
                    VInfo[extraid][Oruzje2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Oruzje2");
                    VInfo[extraid][Oruzje3] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Oruzje3");
                    VInfo[extraid][Municija1] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Municija1");
                    VInfo[extraid][Municija2] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Municija2");
                    VInfo[extraid][Municija3] = cache_get_field_content_int(0, "Municija3");
                    VInfo[extraid][ownedvehicle] = CreateVehicle_H(VInfo[extraid][Model], 11999.0+random(10000), 11999.0+random(10000), 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 1000);

pawn Code:
if(PI[playerid][Auto] != -1)
        new i = PI[playerid][Auto];
        VInfo[i][ownedvehicle] = CreateVehicle_H(VInfo[i][Model], VInfo[i][PozX], VInfo[i][PozY], VInfo[i][PozZ], VInfo[i][PozA], VInfo[i][Boja1], VInfo[i][Boja2], 1000);
        LinkVehicleToInterior(VInfo[i][ownedvehicle], VInfo[i][Int]);
        SetVehicleVirtualWorld(VInfo[i][ownedvehicle], VInfo[i][VW]);
        IgracevAuto1[playerid] = i;
        print("Loading 3: Passed");

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