Don't know where to start!

Alright, so, me and a couple of friends have decided to make some sort of a minimalist server, a hardcore RP one. So the script is minimum, the roleplay is maximum. The system I'd create are:

- account system.
- admin/game master system.
- house/business system.
- telephone system.
- bank system.
- faction system.
- job system.
- payday system.
- drug/gun system.

.. So, no mall and no mysql saving, just an old school script. What I'd really like to find is an simplified Godfather script, because I'm really used to that one. So, my question is, can I find such a script? Am I better off starting from 0? Sinec I am a good scripter but I haven't scripted in a long time and it would take me a long time.

You're better of starting your own than downloading the scripts on here no offense they've been used tons and tons of times.

Starting your own gamemode you know what you are doing with the right materials you can make a decent script if you haven't scripted before feel free to view the tutorials section or SA:MP wiki you can also PM me for help

I would suggest making it from scratch because if you try to edit a gamemode you have no knowledge about it and you have to deal with all the problems that original developer has created, doing it from scratch puts less stress on you because you can organize the way you want it to be.

if you still want to edit the godfather script, refer to this link.

Hope that answered your question and I hope you'll succeed with your goal.

Thanks Kitten. I hate downloading other people's gamemode simply because it feels wrong, and i don't know of any bugs and stuff. This way I can make a clean, simple gm and know what exactly is in it.

I'll start off with an account system, thanks. I'll definetly PM you if I need any help, thanks for the offer.

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