Please help

Hello im a old member. i used to play area 51/69 server. Its been few years since i played that game and i was just checking if you guys still have that server? my username was something like Jking something i really dont remember.

How are we supposed to know? There's probably be hundreds of 51/69 servers.

it was one of the popular server thats why i asked if you guys still have that same server?

Search on game-state or sacnr monitor maybe that'd help.

It's dead. I know, I was the owner (of the biggest one anyway)

bro i remember this username!!! i was a premium member i cant remember my username but it was something like jking... is there any similar server like that now ?

Not that I know of. Keep looking though, someone might make another one. Although its a bit basic for what modern SA:MP servers are, so it may not last long / do well.

Also, I remember the username jking, hello.

Damn bro that was the best server ever! My friend asked me for a good server and i suggested this but i guess he gotta wait for a while lol.. Nice talking to you brother!

Yeah, that server died like 3-4 years ago lol

Originally Posted by Redirect Left
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Not that I know of. Keep looking though, someone might make another one. Although its a bit basic for what modern SA:MP servers are, so it may not last long / do well.

Also, I remember the username jking, hello.
There's always Drug War..... Nevermind. Continue.

For those who don't egt the reference. RDL and I have been working together on multiple projects over the past 6 years or so. A few of them were Area 51, Sumo and Son of Mini-Missions. Many years ago I had the plan of starting my own server, but every time I started (and every time I made large announcements within the community) I eventually stopped working on it. So yea, it's a cool idea that I never finished, and has become a joke within the community.

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