ALS Hook question

just a quick question.

I'm running an intialisation routine during OnGameModeInit OR OnFilterScriptInit in my include.

If I hook both OnGameModeInit and OnFilterScriptInit am I gonna have problems with the initialisation routine running twice on a GM where the person uses a filterscript?


do i need to add a check to see if OnFilterScriptInit has been called yet and prevent it from initialising during OnGameModeInit?

Same happend to me today. Anyone have answer?

I don't get you...
But if you mean that you have code for OnGameModeInit and a code for OnFilterScriptInit.
Then you can use this:
PHP код:
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
public  OnFilterScriptInit()
public OnGameModeInit()
And of course you must have FILTERSCRIPT defined in you FILTERSCRIPT.

E: you can replace public with hook.

Only the relevant callback is called. If the script is a gamemode, OGMI is called, if it's a FS, OFSI is called. You don't have to worry about that.

If you want to hook both callbacks and prevent collision between them, use a boolean to know whether one among them had been called or not. It doesn't usually get called together but there used to be a report that both of them sometimes get called when server loads up.

pawn Код:
    g_InitCalled = false;

public OnFilterScriptInit() {

    if(!g_InitCalled) {

        g_InitCalled = true;
    return 1;

public OnGameModeInit() {

    if(!g_InitCalled) {
        g_InitCalled = true;
    return 1;

Partially related: YSI defines hookable OnScriptInit and OnScriptExit callbacks (y_scriptinit)

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