28.05.2013, 14:35
Last edited by Jovazxc; 28/05/2013 at 07:10 PM.
Ok, the source code was added newly
-N SAMP_QUERY -A SAMP_QUERY -m hashlimit --hashlimit-name samp-query --hashlimit-above 3/s --hashlimit-burst 6 --hashlimit-mode srcip,dstport -j DROP -A SAMP_QUERY -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p udp -m length --length 43 --dport 7777 -m string --algo kmp --hex-string "SAMP|2E1322F2B822" -j SAMP_QUERY
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=all remoteip=YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
kind of useless considering the facts that you have the choice to only use windows firewall, why not make a configuration file in which the command to add a rule is stored in, like anti-query.conf with the text of windows firewall rule add, and then users will be able to use their own firewall.
About the plugin, it's too sensitive; try spamming a couple of commands and it'll ban you. You should definitely improve it by more tests and more accurate values. I think 200 is too low, you should increase that value to a max possible, so innocent people don't get banned. Besides that, very nice plugin - I don't see any reason why SA:MP team would not allow this plugin.