[FilterScript] AFK System

AFK System

Hello, this is my first filterscript here, it was first a newbie script with normal stuff, now i updated it to do some extra stuff.


/afk & /back

What does it do?
When AFK:

1. It freezes you
2. It sets your color to Yellow
3. It shows you some textdraws
4. Creates a 3d label above you
5. Sets your skin to CJ
6. Does not allow you to talk while AFK
When coming back from AFK:

1. It un-freezes you
2. It sets your color to your old color
3. Sets your skin to your old skin
4. Allows you to talk normally again


Old version: https://pastebin.com/ZPJi9ffu
Current version: https://pastebin.com/XNr1JzcX

Thanks for the nice feedbacks on the previous version, and thanks for the ideas :)

This is so so simple, 1 star though.
Better go learn some PAWN knowledge.

Who said i am not learning.
Thanks anyways :*

I'll be retard at moment and call this a CRAP. And of course there and tons of much better / simple yet effective AFK System. Learning isn't copy/pasting as i am sure this isn't you'r work.

first of all, im not that much of a PAWN newbie
second, this is my script, and i did not copy / paste anything

Cool, good one.
I'll give you a few goals to reach for this system that would make it more unique:
- To give the scripter the option to choose wether or not he wants to kick the player
- To make a system so the player can be put afk after an amount of time set in script by a define.
- To make the system through a beautifull textdraw.
- To make the system fun for the afk player. / like weather change/time change/animations/3DTextlabels: LIke : "Please don't distrub, be right back"
- There are lots of ways to make this unique and beautifull so go ahead
Have fun learning and good luck in the future

Good luck for you in next release/script.
But my advice is, if you just started in SA-MP forums and want to release something, release a attractive script or a script which us important but less in SA-MP Forums so you'll get postive comments.


Thank you! :)

I have noted both replies above ^^
And I will improve it, thanks once again:)

Useful for new scripters. They can learn how to do a system like that, and useful for lazy people xDD

Originally Posted by HoussemGaming
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This is so so simple, 1 star though.
Better go learn some PAWN knowledge.
Based on your last work. You shouldnt says that while your work is much wrost than him.

Nice try Uber, keep trying! I'd respect that

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