
My race system works fine when only 1 player is in the race, but whenever a race starts with more than 1 racer, the checkpoints bug out and the players can't trigger them. Sometimes it only bugs out for one person (usually the racer who joined last), but sometimes it bugs out for all racers.

Here's my code: (sorry it's so long and the indentation has been messed up by the forum)
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP(playerid, checkpointid)
	if(checkpointid == PlayerRaceCP[playerid]) //If player enters their race checkpoint
	    if(RaceBegun == 1 && InRace[playerid] == 1) //Check if the race has started and the player is in the race
	        DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel(RacePickupLabels[playerid]); //Destroy a label which informs of vehicle-spawning checkpoints

	        if(RaceCheckpointsType[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]] == 0) //If the checkpoint type is 0 (on-foot trigger)
	            DestroyVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); //Destroy player's vehicle
	            SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, C_RACE"Continue on-foot!"); //Tell them to continue on-foot
			else if(RaceCheckpointsType[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]] > 1) //If type is higher than 1 (a vehicle ID) (vehicle spawner)
			    format(strang, sizeof(strang), "%d", RaceCheckpointsType[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]]);
			    cmd_vrace(playerid, strang); //spawn the type's vehicle

			if(RaceCheckpointsType[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1] == 0) //if the next checkpoint's type is 0, add a textlabel saying so
				RacePickupLabels[playerid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel("On-foot!", 0xFFFFFFFF, RaceCheckpoints[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1][0], RaceCheckpoints[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1][1], RaceCheckpoints[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1][2], 500.0);
			else if(RaceCheckpointsType[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1] > 1) //and the same for vehicle spawning checkpoints
			    format(strang, sizeof(strang), "%s!", aVehicleNames[RaceCheckpointsType[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1] - 400]);
			    RacePickupLabels[playerid] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(strang, 0xFFFFFFFF, RaceCheckpoints[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1][0], RaceCheckpoints[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1][1], RaceCheckpoints[PlayerCheckpoint[playerid]+1][2], 500.0);
			PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1056, 0, 0, 0); //play the checkpoint sound
	    	PlayerCheckpoint[playerid] ++; //add one to the player's checkpoint progress
	        DestroyDynamicRaceCP(PlayerRaceCP[playerid]); //Destroy the CP they just went through

	        if(PlayerCheckpoint[playerid] == checkpointamount+1) //If the checkpoint is the finish
         		SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); //Send them back to the real world
	            SetVehicleVirtualWorld(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), 0); //along with their vehicle
	            InRace[playerid] = 0; //Set the player out of the race
	            Racers --; //Take racers down by one
			    if(PlayerCheckpoint[playerid] == checkpointamount) //If player's checkpoint is second from last
			    	PlayerRaceCP[playerid] = CreatePlayerRaceCP(playerid, 1); //create FINISH LINE checkpoint
				    PlayerRaceCP[playerid] = CreatePlayerRaceCP(playerid); //otherwise create a normal checkpoint
	return 1;
Also, I have some code on OnPlayerUpdate for triggering the checkpoint while the player is already in it when the race starts, as it wasn't getting triggered at first unless the player drove out and then into the checkpoint again:

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerInDynamicRaceCP(playerid, PlayerRaceCP[playerid]) && InRace[playerid] == 1 && RaceBegun == 1)
    { //If player is in their race CP and they're in the race and the race has started
        if(PlayerRaceCP[playerid] == 1) //If the player's Race checkpoint is the first one
            PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 4202, 0, 0, 0); //play sound
            PlayerCheckpoint[playerid] ++; //Add to progress
            DestroyDynamicRaceCP(PlayerRaceCP[playerid]); //Destroy checkpoint they just went through
            PlayerRaceCP[playerid] = CreatePlayerRaceCP(playerid); //Create next checkpoint
    return 1;

If you're bugged, no matter how many times you enter the checkpoint, you cannot trigger it. Does anyone have any ideas of what could be causing this, or has anyone else experienced this? Is it because two players enter the checkpoint together in such a short timespan so the script can't process it properly?

I also have a Goldpot system that uses normal dynamic checkpoints, but I've tried to disable these in case they were conflicting but to no avail.

EDIT: It also seems my /leave command is interfering with other players; when a player /leaves a race, it removes checkpoints for all players in the race.

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