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This is a little. This stupid kid connected more than 1000 bots (not at the same time) .

I have this under OnPlayerConnect:

new connecting_ip[32+1];
	new num_players_on_ip = GetNumberOfPlayersOnThisIP(connecting_ip);

	if(num_players_on_ip > MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP) {
		printf("MAXIPs: Connecting player(%d) exceeded %d IP connections from %s.", playerid, MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP, connecting_ip);
		new bs[64];
		format(bs, sizeof(bs), "BotCheck: %d is kicked!", playerid);
		SendClientMessageToAll(RED, bs);
But it doesn't work. I don't know why. How to stop him ?

Hi, use RyDeR's include, its the best around.

Just include it and add the function in your gamemode. It will detect the floods and ban the IP.

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