MySQL R33 cache_get

pawn Код:
mysql_tquery(mysql,"SELECT * FROM userstats","","");
pawn Код:
new rows,fields;
When executing a query with this format cache_get_data or any other cache won't work.
I am trying to execute the query without having to call a whole function to process the result. I just want the result to be processed right under the query.

Here is the log message:
[22:09:34] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - no callback specified, skipping result saving
Is there anyway to do this?
It looks like leaving blank the function call does not work according to the log message.

Cached queries have to use callbacks to process the results, there is no other way. I mean, you can search the inline method, but that uses callbacks too.

This is a tutorial about y_inline:

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