29.01.2015, 15:02
I want to do in my Administrators
Warnings Admin
Will command /awarn and when you have the same Admin has 3 warnings is dropped automatically as an admin
And /deleteadminwarn how to download the same Admin his warning, and I want to warnings -will my command /Admins request from you
Can someone please please do me the ZCMD + SSCANF please I am looking for full and there is no network please
the command /Admins:
Warnings Admin
Will command /awarn and when you have the same Admin has 3 warnings is dropped automatically as an admin
And /deleteadminwarn how to download the same Admin his warning, and I want to warnings -will my command /Admins request from you
Can someone please please do me the ZCMD + SSCANF please I am looking for full and there is no network please
the command /Admins:
CMD:admins(playerid, params[]) { new gCount, gStr [ 556 ]; foreach(new i:Player)if ( IsPlayerConnected ( i ) && pInfo [ i ] [ pAdminLevel ] != 0 && pInfo [ i ] [ pShowAdmin ] && pInfo [ i ] [ pAdminLogged ] ) { gCount ++; format ( gStr, 556, "%s{4682b4}%d).{ffffff}%s {4682b4}[ID:%d | Level: %d | %s{4682b4}] %s\n", gStr, gCount, pInfo [ i ] [ pName ], i, pInfo [ i ] [ pAdminLevel ], ColouredText ( pInfo [ i ] [ pTag ] ), pInfo [ i ] [ pInAFK ]? ( "{C0C0C0}AFK" ) : ( "" ) ); ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid, DIALOG_ADMINS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{ffffff}({4682b4}:агойрйн озебшйн{ffffff})", gStr, "айщеш", "" ); } if ( !gCount ) return ShowPlayerDialog ( playerid, DIALOG_ADMINS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{ffffff}({4682b4}:агойрйн озебшйн{ffffff})", " {949494}.айп щен агойрйн озебшйн лтъ", "айщеш", "" ); return 1; }
Please Help ME!!