[Map] [Blocking] Pay N' Spray's & Mod Shops

Pay N' Spray & Mod Shops [Blocked Off]

Just a simple map that adds a metal barrier infront of every Pay N' Spray and Mod Shop.
Good for RP servers where you want to script your own /fixcar.

I looked around and couldn't find it, so decided to upload my own.

pawn Код:
//Pay N Spray || Transfender
CreateDynamicObject(971, 1026, -1029.48, 31.7, 0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, 1043, -1026, 31.8, 0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, 2071.6001, -1831.8, 13, 0, 0, 90);
CreateDynamicObject(971, -100.1, 1111.46, 21.1, 0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, -361, 1194.2, 18.245, 0, 90, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, 2386.1001, 1043.4, 10, 0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, -1904.6, 277.70001, 43, 0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, -1935.5, 239.2, 33.7, 0, 0, 0);
CreateDynamicObject(971, -2716.1001, 216.8, 3.8, 0, 0, 90);
A few example screenshots: HERE


Useful but you missed Unity Station bomb shop ^^

Eww. Good enough for newbs, but the gates are so un-realistic.

Plus, this isn't all of the garages.

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