How To Get ClothName On Specified Slot

hello, im making my clothes system so tell me how can i get cloth name which is set on specified slot?
like i added Gimp Mask on slot 1 so how can i get name from slot 1 "Gimpmask?"

if code is needed tell me..

new Accessories[][AccessoriesEnum] = {
{2103, "Stereo"},
{19078, "Parrot"},
{18632, "FishingRod"},

new accessorysr[MAX_PLAYERS][sizeof(AdminAccessers)];

Make an enumerator and attach the object IDs to the names you choose like this.

but how can i get name like i used slot 1 and added cloth Gimp mask on that slot..
so now im going to see wearing clothes. so now how can i get that exact cloth name on slot 1?

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