Help on making gender

A'ight, so basically after a player registers it creates a *playernam.dub.ass" or something similar and inside are written important things like money/family/family rank etc. I want to make a gender thingy using dini to appear in this playername.dub.sav and i want a dialog when player spawns (only if gender = none) and it gives to options {male,female}. I made few lanes for this, but idk how to make the dialog and if first choice then write female or w/e


PlayerInfo[playerid][gender] = dUserINT(PlayerName(playerid)).("gender");

(save acc)
Basically I want if gender is set to none to appear on player spawn a dialog with two choices [male/female] and if he choice male for example then on his playername.dub.sav it will appear male. Also if possible that if he's gender is male or female he can't pick female/male clothes, but this is not vital, yet since I can try do it myself.

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