[FilterScript] DAdmin - Diti's Admin FileScript

Diti's Admin FS
Next Update on 1 week
Hey boys Today i made my second FS a new Admin FS

Note:This FS its demo i am already working on it and i will upload as soon as possible with new commands and anti cheats.

- Account auto saving
- Auto Account password saving
- Register/Login system with command
- All bans are saved in one file
- Admin Duty system
- Spectacting system


Level 1
Kick, Ban, Clearchat
Freeze, Unfreeze, apm
ann, goto, gethere
spec, specoff, reports
aduty, reply, fix, respawn

Note: Admin Level 1 commands can be use from 2,3... too

Level 2
mute, unmute, givecash
Setskin, setmoney, setscore
givegun, resetweaps, sethealth
Note: Working on Admin Level 3 and 4 (This FS is Demo)

How To Make Yourself Admin
1)Connect to your server
2)Register new Account
3)Log in Rcon Admin with your own password
4)Type /setlevel [YourID] [Level]

How To Install This FS
1)Download the File
2)Unzip files on deskop or somewhere
3)Copy and past Filescripts to your Filescript file(DAdmins.pwn and DAdmins.amx)
4)Copy PAWNO file and Paste at your Pawno as there are includes else you will get errors
5)Open Server.cfg, go to Filescript line and add DAdmins
6) Save the file

Bugs :
No bugs was found there please contact me if you find one


Pastebin link.

Here you go


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