Weather Fade

Hi everyone, i need help with Weather 'Fade'... idk why im posting it now, bcs i saw that on my own server , just not my script .I Downloaded one FR script from Pro_Drifter. I Uploaded it on server and had fun with my friends.The thing i am talking about is when i typed in /rcon weather (Example ID 4) the weather slowly fades-changes to ID 4 (From sunny to cloudy), it's not just in one second when you type /rcon weather 4 like now(it changes in moment), that time it was samp0.3x , i checked the script and everything that has something with 'weather' but didn't found anything. Can someone help me please.

I don't understand.

You know , when you start server now, and rcon login.... When you type your CMD for changing of weather. In the moment the weather will change. But when i had that script it wasn't changed so fast. Slowly fading , like in Real Life, moving clouds slowly..Sry for my bad english

There's no such thing, it changes when you type the command, doesn't fade out. If you had mods installed or something that grants you the fade-out, as far as I know it can't be scripted.

I somehow slightly got in mind that using the client clock with TogglePlayerClock would make the weather fade properly. But maybe im just wrong about this and it just fades the time changes. Cant test it right now, but cant harm to try.

Yeah, but i didn't had any SA mods that had function of changing weather and also my friends were sawing that...It can't be thing of hosting bcs i hosted 2 servers on same host , but the 2nd one had that thing.
* i will check that with TogglePlayerClock

Thank you very Much Mauzen! The weather is now fading/changing slowly! But ... now is one more question... how to hide Clock Text

Good to know that this works, has been some years since I last used it.

Thats the downside of the client clock however. You cant hide the text, so youll e.g. have to put another textdraw above it if you dont want it to be visible.
Youll also have to update each players time for certain events so everyone has the same time, else it will desync on death etc, and players will end up with different times (sync it with the servertime on spawn, and frequently every second if you dont want the standard 24 minutes/day time)

Al'ight i have already one 5miliseconds clock update ( gettime ) so i think i will make it somehow Thanks again, i was searching for ****** for this but didn't found anything...

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