Problem loops.


I actually have a dynamic object system which uses MySQL. When I put down an object using a command, it's saved in my MySQL tables. When I delete it, its row is deleted from the MySQL table ofc.

I have a loop in my code (see below) but entry (my loop variable) is incrementing itself a weird way.

Instead of incrementing normally (1 per 1), it's incrementing 2 per 2.

Anyone knows ? Thanks !

pawn Код:
for(entry = 0; entry < sizeof(ObjetsInfo); entry++)
    printf("%d", entry);
    if(!ObjetsInfo[entry][PosX] && !ObjetsInfo[entry][PosY] && !ObjetsInfo[entry][PosZ]) break;
Logs for 2 objects:

pawn Код:
[20:12:36] 0
[20:12:39] 0
[20:12:39] 1
[20:12:39] 2

Edit: Nevermind, I didn't read it correctly.

I'd suggest using something like

pawn Код:
#define     MAX_OBJECTS      (NUMBER}
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i ++) // I've preferred using this, rather than 'sizeof'


But the problem is still present..

pawn Код:
for(entry = 0; entry < MAXIMUM_OBJ; entry++)
    printf("Loop: %d", entry);
    if(ObjetsInfo[entry][PosX] == 0) break;
printf("Id: %d", entry);
For 4 objets (logs):

[21:37:43] Loop: 0
[21:37:43] Id: 0
[21:37:53] Loop: 0
[21:37:53] Loop: 1
[21:37:53] Loop: 2
[21:37:53] Id: 2
[21:38:14] Loop: 0
[21:38:14] Loop: 1
[21:38:14] Loop: 2
[21:38:14] Loop: 3
[21:38:14] Loop: 4
[21:38:14] Id: 4
[21:38:18] Loop: 0
[21:38:18] Loop: 1
[21:38:18] Loop: 2
[21:38:18] Loop: 3
[21:38:18] Loop: 4
[21:38:18] Loop: 5
[21:38:18] Loop: 6
[21:38:18] Id: 6

Is this loop, inside a loop?
pawn Код:
for(entry = 0; entry < MAXIMUM_OBJ; entry++)
    printf("Loop: %d", entry);
    if(ObjetsInfo[entry][PosX] == 0) break;
printf("Id: %d", entry);

This is a loop.

One in my cmd.

Currently my code:

pawn Код:
for(new i = 1; i < MAXIMUM_OBJ; i++)
    printf("Loop: %d", i);
    if(ObjetsInfo[i][PosX] != 0.000000 || ObjetsInfo[i][PosY] != 0.000000 || ObjetsInfo[i][PosZ] != 0.000000)
    { // Object created.
        printf("Id: %d - X: %f - Y: %f - Z: %f", i, ObjetsInfo[i][PosX], ObjetsInfo[i][PosY], ObjetsInfo[i][PosZ]);
    else if(ObjetsInfo[i][PosX] == 0.000000 || ObjetsInfo[i][PosY] == 0.000000 || ObjetsInfo[i][PosZ] == 0.000000)
    { // No object, it's good.
        entry = i;

printf("Id use:", entry);
In server_log.txt:

[22:55:56] Loop: 1 <- Here it's good.
[22:55:56] Id use: 1 <- Here it's good.
[22:55:58] Loop: 1 <- Here it's good.
[22:55:58] Id: 1 - X: 1743.147460 - Y: -1854.234130 - Z: 13.414062 <- Here it's good.
[22:55:58] Loop: 2 <- Here it's good.
[22:55:58] Id: 2 - X: 0.000000 - Y: 0.000000 - Z: 0.000000 <- Here, he should have assigned the id 2, but it has continued and is assigned id 3 ... 
[22:55:58] Loop: 3
[22:55:58] Id use: 3
And it does it all the time, it's 2 in 2

Can you help me please?

Originally Posted by zT KiNgKoNg
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pawn Код:
// I've preferred using this, rather than 'sizeof'
You're only making it harder on yourself. sizeof is an operator, not a function. Its value is calculated at compile time and therefore has no impact on performance at all.

Originally Posted by Baltimore
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And it does it all the time, it's 2 in 2

Can you help me please?
What does the database data look like? Post a screen cap including the fields. This should help deduce what is wrong with your command. Include your SQL select statement that you use to populate your variables.

We need to know how you store the values into the objectinfos enum, only then we can know what's wrong with it.

Not only that, but why do you start a loop in 1 when you deal with arrays? All arrays start in 0 not 1.

Also you don't need that continue inside a if else statement. Not only that I do not understand why you break the loop like that.

So basically show us the whole cmd and how you set the ObjectsInfo values.

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