24.11.2011, 17:26
-Kills Table Bonus-
*This is my first ever tutorial,and also my first tutorial after a 6 months brake off scripting,so I still might have a few mistakes,just correct me if you spot them*
Well anyhow,I will teach you in here how give a play a bonus,if he has filled the kills table with his name
If you didn't understand,then you will see later what I mean,I don't have a picture right now since my SA:MP does not work,sorry for that.
Here we go:
Start by putting those variables on the top of your gamemode/filterscript;
pawn Code:
new TopKiller;
new TopKills = 0;
TopKiller - the person who is the top killer(..)
TopKills - everytime the player kills someone,the TopKills will be increased by 1.Once the player has 5 TopKills ,he will fill the kills table and will get a bonus.
Now,put this code in the OnPlayerDeath public.
I will divide this code to 3 parts,and will explain to you about each and every part:
pawn Code:
if(killerid != TopKiller)
TopKiller = killerid;
TopKills = 0;
if(TopKills == 5)
format(String,sizeof(String),"You have filled the kills board with your name and recived a 25000$ bonus!");
TopKills = 0;
Part I
pawn Code:
if(killerid != TopKiller)
TopKiller = killerid;
TopKills = 0;
It checks if the last killer is another player,and if it is,it resets the previous top killer's kills to 0 and starts counting the new top killer kills.
Part II
pawn Code:
Part III
pawn Code:
if(TopKills == 5)
format(String,sizeof(String),"You have filled the kills board with your name and recived a 25000$ bonus!");
TopKills = 0;
It checks if the Top Killer has reached a total kills of 5,.If he had,then it gives him the bonus + sends him a message about his achievement (of course that you can change the amount of money he gets,that's off-topic so I will not explain about that)
And that's pretty much it,I hope you like this tutorial
And again,if you spot any mistake or have any question,don't hesitate to ask