This was the last thing I expected to see here. You can't however sum up your dream girl with one word...
I like a girl that's:
A bit of a freak,
Slightly Nerdy,
Good Sense of Humour
Possibly Glasses (dunno why),
Weird hair colour (sometimes),
Not too fat, but not too skinny... Normal?
Blue Eyes
Nice smile...
I could go on but you've made a major flaw making this a poll, you can have so many different options. It sucks having to pick the one that's most applicable.
For the record as well, most people have met and possibly been in a relationship with a diverse group of people. You only find what's best for you if you go through and find what you like best in someone. It's not always what they look like either.
EDIT: Make you can vote more than once bigger, I only chose one option as I never sae it