Error in sendclientmessage

SendClientMessageEx(playerid, -1,"{00FF99}We do not allow to show our online staff members.Use {FF0000}/report{FFFFFF} if you have to contact with an admin.
		SendClientMessageEx(playerid, -1,"{00FF99}Seen a hacker? then use report. Otherwise please do not abuse it or you will be punished."
Any problem in these codes? i can see two errors.

pawn Код:
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, -1,"{00FF99}We do not allow to show our online staff members.Use {FF0000}/report{FFFFFF} if you have to contact with an admin.");
SendClientMessageEx(playerid, -1,"{00FF99}Seen a hacker? then use report. Otherwise please do not abuse it or you will be punished.");
Try now, you missed close parantheses

Thanks and what this error?:
E:\New folder\gamemodes\DSRP.pwn(38581) : error 075: input line too long (after substitutions)
E:\New folder\gamemodes\DSRP.pwn(38582) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
E:\New folder\gamemodes\DSRP.pwn(38582) : error 017: undefined symbol "Welcome"
E:\New folder\gamemodes\DSRP.pwn(38582) : error 017: undefined symbol "to"
E:\New folder\gamemodes\DSRP.pwn(38582) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

5 Errors.
From these code:
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 19100,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX ,"Server Rules ","Welcome to Equality Roleplay. This is an unique server, You will be punished by our AntiCheat/By Admin if you break some rules of them:\n\n\n1)Always respect our all mebers ( including admins)\n2) Since this is a roleplay server so please act like a real life role.\n3)Do Not break normal rp rules ( Include: MG,DM,KOS,RT,OOC,IC,RK and etc)\n4) Do not use any kind of mods expect vehicles skin mod.\n5)Cop baiting Is not allowed.\n6)Always  speak in English language\n7)Register on our forums\n8) Do not /q to avoid rp or like this issues\n 9) Must see more rules in forums and follow them.\n 10) Do not rob over than 20,000$ ( 20k) nor less than level 3 player.","Ok","");

You've exceeded the maximum cell size of ShowPlayerDialog.

Use strcat and define a new variable.

pawn Код:
    new vstr[5120];
    format(vstr, sizeof(vstr), "{FFFFFF}--==++ {FF0000}Welcome to Equality Roleplay{FFFFFF} ++==--\n\n");
    strins(vstr, "[Replace your text here ]\n", strlen(vstr));
    strins(vstr, "[Replace your text here ]\n", strlen(vstr));
    strins(vstr, "[Replace your text here ]\n", strlen(vstr));
    strins(vstr, "[Replace your text here ]\n", strlen(vstr));
    strins(vstr, "[Replace your text here ]\n", strlen(vstr));
    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 19100,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Server Rules", vstr, "Thank You", "")
    return 1;
Replace your text by rules.. add this below to your commands

Please +rep

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