Dialog update bug

Hello i need some help with the dialog it doest show up. This is the script that i dont know what bug or missing.

This is the message

new ChangesDialog[][] =
	"Fix TR radio, add anims at /time, fix /h remove object, add /buydrink at club",
	"fix buygun money transfer to biz safe, added scripter and mapper rank",
	"added /setcapping for /capture, Added TR Faction Duty Armor and HP",
	"Changing Government Color to dark grey, changing /changes chat to dialog",
	"Removing TR unused vehicle and added change vehicle model",
	"Fixed the /badge bug for TR Faction",
	"Added business system and few bug fixed"
This is the stock

stock ShowChangesDialog(playerid)
    new dialog_string[5000];
    format(dialog_string, sizeof(dialog_string), ChangesDialog);
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, zzzz, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Latest Version of SR:RP", dialog_string, "Okay", "");
	return 1;
and this is the command.

CMD:changes(playerid, params[])
    return ShowChangesDialog(playerid);

CMD:dialog(playerid, params[])
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, zzzz, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Latest Version of SR:RP", dialog_string, "Okay", ""); return

new ChangesDialog[11][11] =
"Fix TR radio, add anims at /time, fix /h remove object, add /buydrink at club",
"fix buygun money transfer to biz safe, added scripter and mapper rank",
"added /setcapping for /capture, Added TR Faction Duty Armor and HP",
"Changing Government Color to dark grey, changing /changes chat to dialog",
"Removing TR unused vehicle and added change vehicle model",
"Fixed the /badge bug for TR Faction",
"Added business system and few bug fixed"


don't use stock?


error 048: array dimensions do not match

on this line

format(string, sizeof(string), ChangesDialog);
strcat(dialog_string, ChangesDialog);

Is this correct?

Here >> new ChangesDialog[][] =
	"Fix TR radio, add anims at /time, fix /h remove object, add /buydrink at club",
	"fix buygun money transfer to biz safe, added scripter and mapper rank",
	"added /setcapping for /capture, Added TR Faction Duty Armor and HP",
	"Changing Government Color to dark grey, changing /changes chat to dialog",
	"Removing TR unused vehicle and added change vehicle model",
	"Fixed the /badge bug for TR Faction",
	"Added business system and few bug fixed"

umm it fix but, its not like in arrange like top to bottom

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Yea it fixed thanks guys +rep

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