textdraw disappearing -_-

Hi all.
I am facing serious problem that my textdraws are disappearing. I know that i haven't reached the maximum limit of textdraw. I may have 30-50 textdraws. As I am creating clickable textdraw. I am in need of them and will be needing more.
What actually happens is that the 3-4 textdraws that comes in the last of the sequence of all textdraws get disappeared.

Any solution availabe ?

thanks in advance.

Did you use TextDrawShowForPlayer in all textdraws?

I think this can help you :

You didn't even give screenshots or code or anything.

Are you one of those who does a loop under OnGameModeInit or OnFilterscriptInit for each player and creates global textdraws for each one of them ~ if so then convert these textdraws to CreatePlayerTextDraw and make it create it under OnPlayerConnect.

(About the loop it should be something like this):

pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
TEXTDRAWPLAYER[i] = CreateTextDraw(etc....)
I hope I helped any feedback would be appreciated!

sorry for late reply. I was little busy.

On topic: Stanford, thanks for solution it worked.

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