01.08.2014, 18:27
Последний раз редактировалось Iloveimpulse; 30.08.2014 в 06:56.
What is This FilterScript About?
Well from the Look's of it. It looks like an Admin System. Sorry for the delay it caused you guys so much wait
Though its still in Beta Mode Xd But you can download it
How to make yourself Admin:
First Login as rcon admin using /rcon login [rcon password here]
then use /makeadmin command
Don't forget to [+REP] me
Download Link:
Well from the Look's of it. It looks like an Admin System. Sorry for the delay it caused you guys so much wait

Though its still in Beta Mode Xd But you can download it
PHP код:
//------------------Player Commands-------------------------------//
/pm /kill /cmd /rules
//------------------------------All Commands-----------------------------//
Use /ah
//-------------------------------------Level 2-------------------------------//
/kick /slap /explode /inv /apm /goto /jetpack /removejetpack /respawn /gethere /adminduty
//------------------------------------------Level 3-------------------------//
/freeze /unfreeze /ban all Level 2 commands
//------------------------------Level 4----------------------------------//
/freezeall /unfreezeall all Level 3 and 2 commands
//-------------------------------Level 5-------------------------------//
/gmx /makeadmin Level 4,3,2 Commands
First Login as rcon admin using /rcon login [rcon password here]
then use /makeadmin command
Don't forget to [+REP] me
Download Link: