Player Skin Breathing cause Object Movement

Hello, I've attached an Object to Player, It's all fine but when i'm Standing the player Breathes which moves his chest just like in Real life which causes the Attached object to Move too, Is there any way to prevent the object from moving? So when i'm standing still, the object is also just still.

Nope, unless if you change the bone id to different one.
However, changing the bone id won't help as the coordinates won't in placed properly and instead of moving with the chest, the object will move along with the bone id you have set to the object.

It depends on the bone you did put the object to.
Use the Body which will make the Object with it

What bone dosen't move? :P after attaching it i'll move little left/right , will it affect?
Spine is the best.

I checked, SPine still it was moving

well the Right leg is fine though, Thanks for helps

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