error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMesssageToAll"

I was trying to make an auto announce system for my server and when i compiled i got this error message :

error 017: undefined symbol "SendClientMesssageToAll"

What can I do to correct this error ?

It's not SendClientMesssageToAll, you are adding an extra s, maybe a typo.

PHP код:

You probably got something conflicting with SendClientMessageToAll but there is a way around it such as loop around all the players

for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
        SendClientMessage(i, 0x33AA33AA, "Someone spawned!");
Credits to the wiki witch can be found here:

EDIT: I didn't see the typing error either but this would be a alternative.

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