02.07.2014, 20:44
I get about 30-50 players daily. now theres a jack-ass going around hacking players accounts by pressing enter 2 times to login . I tried putting it in OnPlayerKeyStateChange, so when a player press ENTER it opens the login dialog, but it failed. now i need Help.
But On Old Admin systems such as LuxAdmin and Ladmin4v2, They didnt have these problems I looked in there KeyStateChange and OnPlayerText and OnCommandRecieved and Its NOTHING! How do they block players from bypassing the dialogs as OF now I use J.LAdmin, I CANT Change admin systems because its filled with players accounts and scores and stats. Please help. I need to fix this REALLY!
But On Old Admin systems such as LuxAdmin and Ladmin4v2, They didnt have these problems I looked in there KeyStateChange and OnPlayerText and OnCommandRecieved and Its NOTHING! How do they block players from bypassing the dialogs as OF now I use J.LAdmin, I CANT Change admin systems because its filled with players accounts and scores and stats. Please help. I need to fix this REALLY!