
Hello I want to know how to add this textdraw

	ServerPanel[ 3 ] = TextDrawCreate(32.000000, 419.000000, "~y~~h~Stunt ~r~~h~~h~Evolution");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(ServerPanel[ 3 ], 51);
	TextDrawFont(ServerPanel[ 3 ], 0);
	TextDrawLetterSize(ServerPanel[ 3 ], 0.569997, 1.699998);
	TextDrawColor(ServerPanel[ 3 ], -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(ServerPanel[ 3 ], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(ServerPanel[ 3 ], 1);
	TextDrawSetSelectable(ServerPanel[ 3 ], 0);

	ServerPanel[ 4 ] = TextDrawCreate(16.000000, 434.000000, "~b~~h~Stunt~w~~h~/~y~~h~Drift~w~~h~/~r~~h~Race~w~~h~/~p~~h~DM~w~~h~/~g~~h~Fun");
	TextDrawBackgroundColor(ServerPanel[ 4 ], 255);
	TextDrawFont(ServerPanel[ 4 ], 1);
	TextDrawLetterSize(ServerPanel[ 4 ], 0.339998, 1.299996);
	TextDrawColor(ServerPanel[ 4 ], -1);
	TextDrawSetOutline(ServerPanel[ 4 ], 1);
	TextDrawSetProportional(ServerPanel[ 4 ], 1);
	TextDrawSetSelectable(ServerPanel[ 4 ], 0);
	return 1;

Can you be clearer ? What do you mean by "add" this textdraw ? Creating it ? Showing it to the player ?

creating it lol

Well, TextDrawCreate will do the job, assigned to a var created with the "Text:" tag, such as

PHP код:

new Text:myTextdraw;

myTextdraw TextDrawCreate(Float:x_pos_on_the_screenFLoat:y_pos_on_the_screen"This textdraw will display the text between quotes, this text."); 
Use a TextDraw InGame creator such as iPLEOMAX's, it's better to see what you create and it's easier than the old implementation way.

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