20.05.2014, 03:21
hi guys sorry for inconvenience but I need help in Onqueryfinish callback..
it giving me some errors :
The Callback
pls help me out.
it giving me some errors :
Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24729) : error 002: only a single statement (or expression) can follow each "case" Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24729) : warning 215: expression has no effect Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24730) : warning 209: function "OnQueryFinish" should return a value Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24732) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24734) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24737) : error 054: unmatched closing brace ("}") Desktop\UF - Copy\gamemodes\UFXD.pwn(24739) : error 010: invalid function or declaration Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 5 Errors.
forward OnQueryFinish(resultid, extraid, handleid); public OnQueryFinish(resultid, extraid, handleid) { new rows, fields; if(resultid != SENDDATA_THREAD) { if(extraid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(g_arrQueryHandle{extraid} != -1 && g_arrQueryHandle{extraid} != handleid) return 0; } cache_get_data(rows, fields, MainPipeline); } switch(resultid) { case LOADUSERDATA_THREAD: { if(IsPlayerConnected(extraid)) { new szField[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], szResult[64]; for(new row;row < rows;row++) { cache_get_field_content(row, "Name", szField, MainPipeline); if(strcmp(szField, GetName(extraid), true) != 0) { return 1; } cache_get_field_content(row, "ID", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][ID] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "Score", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][Score] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "Cash", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][Cash] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "Level", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][Level] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "Kills", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][Kills] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "Deaths", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][Deaths] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "pMute", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][pMute] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "Warns", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][Warns] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "posx", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][PosX] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "posy", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][PosY] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "posz", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][PosZ] = strval(szResult); cache_get_field_content(row, "posa", szResult, MainPipeline); PlayerInfo[extraid][PosA] = strval(szResult); } } return 1; } case LOGIN_THREAD: { for(new i;i < rows;i++) { new szPass[129], szResult[129], szBuffer[129]; cache_get_field_content(i, "Name", szResult, MainPipeline); if(strcmp(szResult, GetName(extraid), true) != 0) { //g_mysql_AccountAuthCheck(extraid); return 1; } GetPVarString(extraid, "PassAuth", szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)); WP_Hash(szPass, sizeof(szPass), szBuffer); if((isnull(szPass)) || (isnull(szResult)) || (strcmp(szPass, szResult) != 0)) { // Invalid Password - Try Again! SendClientMessage(extraid, COLOR_RED, "SERVER: Wrong password, you have been kicked out automatically."); Kick(extraid); } return 1; } DeletePVar(extraid, "PassAuth"); g_mysql_LoadAccount(extraid); } return 1; } case REGISTER_THREAD: { if(IsPlayerConnected(extraid)) { g_mysql_AccountLoginCheck(extraid); } } return 1; }