Spawn vehicle when key is pressed

So i am wondering how i can do this.
When player is entered specific place and enters specific command he gots in spec mode and vehicle spawns.(i know how to make this)

But i can make when he press KEY_LEFT spawns another car but old one deletes from that place?
Thanks i have tried some things but they crashed my server or didn't even worked.So i removed it.


Create two new variable you can named it as u want for example :
new mVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
new nVehicle[MAX_PLAYERS];
// now go under any callback where u wanna to call ur function here i will like to call my function under onplayerenterindyanmicarea(or whatever it is) callback
//here u also need some conditions , here think i have an specified area name mzone
// here only for example
if(pressedkey == LEFT)
nVehicle[playerid] = CreateVehicle(...);
note : it is a example which i m giving n functions are differ from actual functions

Okay and now i am a bit confused.
How script will know that mVehicle is old vehicle id?

Check fsdebug.pwn in standard filterscript folder in default samp-server folder. Command /vsel is what you need

Realy big thank you Matess

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