Trains and DestroyVehicle()

If you spawn a train, and destroy it with DestroyVehicle(), then the 3 trailer will stay in vehicle pool (but from the game removed) and with this you can very easy reach 2000 vehicle limit.

Who want to say AddStaticVehicle() is not destroyable with DestroyVehicle(), PLEASE DO NOT WRITE HERE.
I hope that there will be fix for this and i do not need to fix it myself..

They have special additional vehicleids from train vehicle id returned (+1, +2, +3)..

Try deleting those ids if it's a train - i can't say if this will work tho, so.. i guess try it.

I'll try that thanks.

if it doesn't work - try deleting them before the train too..


This works, thank you!
This should be fixed inside the samp server.

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