Server keep restarting [reps+]

[00:03:54] --- Server Shutting Down.
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 499 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 518 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 526 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 529 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 542 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 548 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 560 and there are no problems. 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 499 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 518 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 526 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 529 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 542 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 548 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 560 and there are no problems. 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 499 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 518 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 526 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 529 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 542 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 548 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 560 and there are no problems. 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 499 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 518 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 526 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 529 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 542 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 548 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 560 and there are no problems. 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 499 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 518 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 526 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 529 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 542 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 548 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 560 and there are no problems. 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 499 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 518 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 526 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 529 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 542 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 548 
[00:03:54]  Successfully line 560 and there are no problems. 
[00:03:54]     -G.O-Anims Unloaded       
[00:03:54] ----------------------------------

[00:03:54] [part] Stryker has left the server (0:0)
[00:03:54] [part] danizica15 has left the server (1:0)
[00:03:54] [part] willamis has left the server (2:0)
[00:03:54] [part] BoraC10 has left the server (3:0)
[00:03:54] [part] [e[X]cEss]pSyc[H]o has left the server (4:0)
[00:03:54] [part] joni_loquendo has left the server (6:0)

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito unloaded ***


[00:03:54]  ===============================

[00:03:54]      sscanf plugin unloaded.    

[00:03:54]  ===============================


*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito unloaded ***

[00:03:54]  ====================
[00:03:54]   Whirlpool unloaded
[00:03:54]  ====================

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team

[00:03:57] password = ""  (string)
[00:03:57] gamemodetext = "Unknown"  (string)
[00:03:57] Server Plugins
[00:03:57] --------------
[00:03:57]  Loading plugin:

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[00:03:57]   Loaded.
[00:03:57]  Loading plugin:

[00:03:57]  ===============================

[00:03:57]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[00:03:57]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[00:03:57]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[00:03:57]  ===============================

[00:03:57]   Loaded.
[00:03:57]  Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[00:03:57]   Loaded.
[00:03:57]  Loading plugin:
[00:03:57]  ==================
[00:03:57]   Whirlpool loaded
[00:03:57]  ==================
[00:03:57]   Loaded.
[00:03:57]  Loaded 4 plugins.

[00:03:57] Ban list
[00:03:57] --------
[00:03:57]  Loaded: samp.ban
[00:03:57] Filterscripts
[00:03:57] ---------------
[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'ObjectAttacher.amx'...
[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'JLadmin.amx'...
[00:03:57]  ======================================= 
[00:03:57]  |                                     | 
[00:03:57]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        | 
[00:03:57]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[00:03:57]  |                                     | 
[00:03:57]  ======================================= 
 -J.L Admin system Configurations Successfully Loaded!

[00:03:57] |**         J.L. SA:MP Server Administration       **|

[00:03:57]                     System V 1.0                     

[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] Auto login         0
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] Must register      1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] Detect pausers     1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] MaxPing            0
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] AntiSpam           1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] PM Dialog          1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] AntiWeaponHack     1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] MaxAdminLevel      6
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] Anti Bad Words     1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] AntiBanEvade       1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] Anti Advertise     0
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] AdminImmunity      1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] ShowPmstoAdmins    0
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] ReadCommands       0
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] AntiCheatBans      1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] Allow changename   1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] ForbiddenNamesKick 1
[00:03:57]  [JLADMIN] PartNamesKick      1
-- No Illegal Weapons Loaded! --

-- 7 Forbidden nick names successfully loaded --

-- No Forbidden Part nicks Loaded! --

-- No Bad words Loaded! --

[00:03:57] --1 Teleports loaded!--
[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'AntiMod.amx'...
[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'anims.amx'...
[00:03:57]    -G.O-Anim Sytem     By: G4M3Ov3r         
[00:03:57] --------------------------------------

[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'Duel.amx'...
[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'InvalidVeh.amx'...
[00:03:57]  Anti unoccupied vehicle teleport by Bebras
[00:03:57] --------------------------------------

[00:03:57]   Loading filterscript 'SPABots.amx'...
[00:03:57]   Loaded 7 filterscripts.

[00:03:57]  ======================================= 
[00:03:57]  |                                     | 
[00:03:57]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        | 
[00:03:57]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[00:03:57]  |                                     | 
[00:03:57]  ======================================= 
[00:03:57]  Server Owner Asali-Mahdi 
[00:03:57] ----------------------------------

[00:03:57] Number of vehicle models: 38
[00:03:57]  ========================================== 
[00:03:57]  |                                        | 
[00:03:57]  |  A new version (v<html>
  ) of YSI is  | 
[00:03:57]  |            available from:             | 
[00:03:57]  |                                        | 
[00:03:57]  |     | 
[00:03:57]  |                                        | 
[00:03:57]  ========================================== 
[00:03:57]  ========================================== 
[00:03:57]  |                                        | 
[00:03:57]  |  A new version (v<html>
  ) of YSI is  | 
[00:03:57]  |            available from:             | 
[00:03:57]  |                                        | 
[00:03:57]  |     | 
[00:03:57]  |                                        | 
[00:03:57]  ========================================== 
[00:04:04] Incoming connection:
[00:04:30] Incoming connection:
[00:04:31] [join] _RANDY_ has joined the server (0:
[00:05:32] Incoming connection:
[00:05:36] [join] danizica15 has joined the server (1:
its my server logs and im using hostskool my server keep restarting with out anyreason or debugs ! i dont know what to do now ?


[00:03:54] --- Server Shutting Down.


Is there is anything in your script like : SendRconCommand("gmx");
Or something is making ur server to crash

Do you have any GMX code inside your script? Check that and see if it is restarting (sending GMX command) due to some reasons.

No i dont have i think its from host because now i cant even access cp .

Originally Posted by SPA
Посмотреть сообщение
No i dont have i think its from host because now i cant even access cp .
Contact your host and search for GMX in your gamemode or filterscript.

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