Whirlpool not working on VPS


Whirlpool isnt loading on my Windows Server 2003, but it loads fine on my home PC with the same config.


SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team

[20:28:54] Server Plugins
[20:28:54] --------------
[20:28:54] Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[20:28:54] Loaded.
[20:28:54] Loading plugin: Whirlpool
[20:28:54] Failed.
[20:28:54] Loaded 1 plugins.

[20:28:54] Ban list
[20:28:54] --------
[20:28:54] Loaded: samp.ban
[20:28:54] Filterscripts
[20:28:54] ---------------
[20:28:54] Loading filterscript 'single.amx'...
[20:28:54] Loading filterscript 'lights.amx'...
[20:28:54] Loading filterscript 'Flach.amx'...
[20:28:54] Police Flash lights V2.1
[20:28:54] By Stefantjuh97
[20:28:54] --------------------------------------

[20:28:54] Loading filterscript 'neon.amx'...
[20:28:54] Loading filterscript 'ospawner.amx'...
--Admin Vehicle Spawner Loaded

[20:28:54] Loading filterscript 'opr.amx'...
[20:28:54] FS =Online Players Record= by Airkite, Loaded...
[20:28:54] --------------------------------------

[20:28:54] Loaded 6 filterscripts.

[20:28:54] Script[gamemodes/PC_RP.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:28:54] Number of vehicle models: 0

Any help?

Do you have the latest whirlpool plugin ?


If you got the latest version already, do these thing:

< Open pawno.exe where your plugins are, (same server files)

< Open your script, then re-compile.

(re)-upload the gamemode and plugins

Your home PC is obviously a Windows, am I right?

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