Arrangement of "want" ads

I feel like the stickied topic for people posting wants ads in the "Need Scripter/Helper" topic should be managed just a hair better. When I say this, I mean that most of the people posting want ads really aren't offering anything beneficial to developers for hire. I feel like there should be a stickied topic STRICTLY for developers posting their "resume" or want ads. This would help those of us who actually would like to PAY developers for their labor, (and when I say pay, I mean pay fairly), find a good match. This would be mutually beneficial to both parties, because those of us in need of good developers - whether it be mappers, scripters, or just beta testers - could find them via their want ads or resume, and not have to sort through all these, "hostin a gud server. need scripter pls. i will give u co owner", ads. This would be beneficial to the developers for the very same reason. I'm curious to hear anyone's thoughts on this! My hope is that if it fairs out to be a good idea, and I get a little support on it, perhaps we may be able to convince someone to incorporate this idea into the forums.

i could see this working.

Maybe add something to where these developers could have feedback replies to their resumes from people who have actually had work done by said developer and could rate the work.
But then again, this is sa-mp and there will be some immaturity involved such as abuse of said system.

I'm sure the SA-MP Team and Beta Testers could work this out.

But I really like this idea.

Originally Posted by DJ_Shocker
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i could see this working.

Maybe add something to where these developers could have feedback replies to their resumes from people who have actually had work done by said developer and could rate the work.
Thank you for your support. I actually had initially planned on mentioning exactly the same thing, but then I just realized that it would become a big flame-war. People posting things on developers pages who left a hopeless project, or something like that. As you stated, just far too much room for abuse.

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