Object's don't load

I have a problem with my server..I don't know what to do..
My Maps/Objects don't load..

I tried to modify in a_samp.inc MAX_OBJECTS limit,don't work..
I tried to update plugins and includes,dont't work...

Maps don't load...i tried to put one object...Don't load..
What can i do ?

Anyone ? Please,i need to open server in this night and i need to resolve fast..What can i do ?

all objects ? or just some ?
and what version objects are they ?

it can be because they dint convert properly...

All objects..

I tried with CreateObject (Don't work),i tried with CreateDynamicObject(Don't Work..) It Ross County Roleplay gamemode...

Please,anyone ? I need to resolve fast this problem..
Objects don't load....It a Draw distance ? Or what ?

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