Detect when player leaves TextDraw selection ?

i am doing some selectable textdraws and i show the textdraw's when the player writes some command. Everything works OK but there is a problem, when the player presses ESC and leaves the selection without clicking any textdraw these textdraws are still visible (i hide them when the player clicks some textdraw in OnPlayerClickTextDraw) and i want to somehow detect when the player leaves the selection without clicking any textdraw.
Any ideas ?

I don't really think that's possible...

Took this right of the Wiki page, I knew it was on there:

clickedid The ID of the clicked textdraw. INVALID_TEXT_DRAW if selection was cancelled.

Just do:
pawn Код:
if(clickedid == INVALID_TEXT_DRAW) { *hide textdraws* }
Best regards,

PS: I waited 51 damn seconds before I could post this reply, FML.

Originally Posted by Excelize
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I don't really think that's possible...
Agree with you i think that it is not possible when player press ESC to remove textdraws...

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