Bots/NPCs question


am i limited as far as nbc connecting is concerned? (except they take player slots)

Do they cause lag or higher up the used server resources a lot?

please help

Each bot runs its own samp-npc(.exe) process. I believe you're only limited to the amount of system resources you have available.

thanks for the fast reply already

Do you know if one bot uses a lot of resources?
Could you make a comparement to a normal player?
Does a bot use more or less server resources then a regular player?

I especially needed to know if i can connect some bots with no problem to the server or already about 5 bots
would increase server lag or smth.

Maybe this will give you an idea.

Maybe 1 percent of 1 core at best at least on our host.

top - 01:41:03 up 111 days, 10:54, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.08, 0.06
Tasks: 313 total, 4 running, 309 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 24.5%us, 7.6%sy, 0.0%ni, 67.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.9%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 66008460k total, 17666856k used, 48341604k free, 442284k buffers
Swap: 1050616k total, 0k used, 1050616k free, 14031500k cached

19168 pottus 20 0 424m 389m 2808 D 37 0.6 21:10.52 samp-dayz
19485 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.08 samp-npc
19365 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.11 samp-npc
19371 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.22 samp-npc
19383 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.72 samp-npc
19398 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.21 samp-npc
19419 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.28 samp-npc
19425 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.51 samp-npc
19428 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.85 samp-npc
19452 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.25 samp-npc
19464 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.28 samp-npc
19494 pottus 20 0 13284 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.34 samp-npc
19497 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.14 samp-npc
19506 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.35 samp-npc
19636 pottus 20 0 13284 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.26 samp-npc
19645 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.27 samp-npc
19648 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.18 samp-npc
19669 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.16 samp-npc
19711 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.24 samp-npc
19750 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.41 samp-npc
19768 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.31 samp-npc
19911 pottus 20 0 13404 1712 1256 S 1 0.0 0:12.06 samp-npc
19981 pottus 20 0 13404 1732 1256 S 1 0.0 0:11.96 samp-npc
20026 pottus 20 0 12380 1700 1252 S 1 0.0 0:11.39 samp-npc
20044 pottus 20 0 12260 1448 1184 S 1 0.0 0:11.20 samp-npc

thanks but i cant really read smth. understandable out of this log post, could you please give me a hint?
So one bot uses a lot more resources then one regular player and already a low number would decrease server performance dramastically?

Originally Posted by PawnoQ
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thanks but i cant really read smth. understandable out of this log post, could you please give me a hint?
So one bot uses a lot more resources then one regular player and already a low number would decrease server performance dramastically?
What his logs are showing is that the NPC's always take 1% CPU of one core, no matter what.

Well those ones are likely in use actually there is indeed 300 NPC's with my system with most not doing anything at low server usage.

thanks, so only when bots arein use they use resources right? (and not when just connected)

So lets say there are 5 bots on server each one walking around it wouldnt decrease server performance and create any lag right?

some scripters that use bots out there pls?

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