[HELP]Server wont start [Volt-Host]

So today i buyed a host for samp and i wanted to use east coast roleplay or that gamemode i added all that was needed at the website with ftp but it goes online offline all the time and it says gamemode: unknown and i have the gamemode as gamemode0 EC-RP
but it still won't work if someone can help me fix this i will make them admin
add me at skype if you could help me out fixing this!
Skype: DimplyAndreas

Is the name of the script EC-RP? Also, does the console say anything? Did you upgrade the server version?

Check your servers plugins.
Update your server files.
Check and post the server logs here.

It's most likely your Streamer or Sscanf Asking for an update.

Give them an update and post your logs here.

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