A Very Foolish Question...

What Does String means or can we use same number of stings 2 times.......


Yes, you can re-use a string. For example:
pawn Код:
    sz_Str[ 128 ]
format( sz_Str, sizeof( sz_Str ), ... ); // some text and arguments..
SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, sz_Str ); // formating sz_Str and send it to playerid
format( sz_Str, sizeof( sz_Str ), ... ); // some other text and arguments..
SendClientMessage( id, -1, sz_Str ); // re-formatting sz_Str with the new text and send it to id

A string is a number of characters formed to make a "string". Strings can include letters, symbols, numbers and other special characters.

String = "An example of a string would be a sentence like I am typing now."

You can format a string twice in one chunk of code, nothing is there to stop you.

Hope this helps.

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