11.11.2013, 16:35
ok, so i just recently changed hosts, and ive always used mysql r5, however, it just wont run on my new host, while mysql r7 does, so what im wondering, is does anyone know of a tutorial on converting from mysqlr5 (mysql_query) to the new function, (mysql_fucntion_query)?, or mabey someone could just tell me in this thread?
also, here's my setlevel cmd (ill convert it, then ill learn how from there how to convert everything else)
also, here's my setlevel cmd (ill convert it, then ill learn how from there how to convert everything else)
pawn Код:
new Query[128];
new SetLevel[200];
format(Query,sizeof(Query),"SELECT * FROM `Users` WHERE `Username` = '%s' AND `Alevel` = '10'",GetName(playerid));
format(SetLevel,sizeof(SetLevel),"INSERT INTO `Users` WHERE `Username` = '%s' AND `Alevel` = '%s'",GetName(playerid),params);
return 1;